Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Here's hoping that...

in the debate tonight Cheney says something negative about trial lawyers. And that John Edwards uses this opportunity to talk about some of his trial cases, representing citizens in need of health care against big HMOs, etc. Not only does he get to defend trial lawyers--who are pretty popular with Dems and many Indies, since they represent them when necessary---but he talks about health care issues, the Two Americas, plus he gets to reinforce the identification of Cheney with big rich corporations like Halliburton. Plus voters get a positive feel for Edwards as a champion of the underdog. Sweet. Will Cheney do it? There are signs that the Bushies are desperate beyond what the poll numbers would seem to justify. So he might. Maybe we'll get even luckier and he'll talk about "tort reform." Few non-wealthy people care about it, and even fewer know what it is.

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