Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I can quit anytime!

But I choose to talk about primary politics again. John Kerry swept the small state primaries and caucuses Tuesday, as expected, and by margins that show no movement for Edwards. Looking forward to Super Tuesday next week,polls in California and New York don't show much movement either. Even if Edwards closes in the final week, he doesn't seem to be close enough to win any of the big states, and Kerry is getting the endorsements in the small states, too. Edwards got bumps from big newspaper endorsements in Iowa and Wisconsin, but that's unlikely to happen with the biggest newspapers in New York and California. So the only revision to our prediction last week is that Kerry is now likely to win them all, including Georgia, where years of Civil Rights service are serving him well in a state where African Americans make up about half the voting Democrats. California and New York are secure, and Ohio seems so now. Minnesota voters may remember Kerry's kinship with Paul Wellstone in the Senate. Edwards isn't even on the ballot in Vermont. Where's he going to win? Massachusetts?

In other news, the Secretary of Education who called the National Education Association a terrorist organization said he was just kidding. Officials of the NEA now residing at Guantanamo could not be reached for comment.

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