Saturday, May 15, 2004


by Phineas Dash

Morgan's commentary below on the still evolving prisoner abuse scandal are apropos but need to be balanced with the other side of what he said, and of what others are saying. As I'm sure he would agree. Though circumstances aren't deterministic, they can be powerful, and individuals can get swept up in them. The shadow, the dark side within us all, can be called forth when we least expect it.

As for the individual soldiers involved,one has signed a confession which details actions contrary to what some others are claiming, including the woman who said she was following orders. Or at least, complicate the picture with the ferocious enthusiasm of the abuse. Evil was loose.

But in general I must agree with what these columns have been insisting, that the tone and the expectation was set at the highest levels, apart from the shameful laxity and the clear violation of international law in the established procedures. That the Iraqis the Americans were supposedly saving turned into the enemy as soon as they passed through the prison gate (and up to 90% of them there by mistake and random sweeps, or just because they were young males), is a predictable outgrowth of the Bush and the Bushie attitude towards preemption, how we deal with our enemies, and how we are right and they are evil, less than human. That's the self-righteous tragedy we've been sucked into.

The bravado that comes from fear can be dangerous, as it turns so quickly to wanton cruelty which is cowardice. This is the rationale and expression at the most basic and brutal level for a policy that is more abstract and holy-sounding, but at its base is the same. America the offended innocent becomes America the bully. We can defend ourselves better than this.

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