Friday, June 18, 2004


The 9-11 Commission finds no collaboration between al Qaeda and Saddam to attack the U.S. But the Bushie in Chief insists there were connections.

Like what? Like maybe a meeting with Saddam in December 1983, and with Saddam's henchman, Tariq Aziz, on March 24, 1984, the day that the UN released a report on Iraq's use of poison gas against Iran?

No---wait: that was Donald Rumsfeld. The U.S. supplied the poison gas and the training to Saddam, for the first use of chemical weapons anywhere since Vietnam.

Okay, well, then wasn't it Saddam who financed Osama bin Laden as far back as 1986? Not exactly, no, it was the CIA.

Okay. So the White House was connected to Saddam and the CIA was connected to Osama? Yes, that's right. Well, there you go: Saddam and al Qaeda are connected: by the U.S. government. I told you there were connections.

Well, you should know, Mr. Vice President. You were there.

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