Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The non-condemnation condemnation

It said so on the CNN crawl---Pres Bush condemns Swift Boat ad. Sorry, didn't happen. Bush, as he's done through his press secretary before, condemns all ads not sponsored by candidates or parties, including the Swift Boat ads, BECAUSE he doesn't like ads not financed by candidates and parties and their contributors. (Mostly because most of those ads are against his policies.) He did NOT condemn the Swift Boat ads BECAUSE THEY ARE LIES. In fact, other GOPer spokesfolks were on TV defending them, and making additional outrageous charges.

But the backlash, as well as the truth, has begun. See this Seattle Times article:

The Seattle Times%3A Nation %26 World%3A Debate continues to heat up over Kerry%27s vet record

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