Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Irony Is...

that instead of irony being slain by 9-11, it has been given rebirth in realities created by the Bushies. The story linked below is dripping with irony. It seems the Christian Coaltion is accusing all Democrats who voted against Condi Rice for Secretary of State of "prejudice." They don't say racial prejudice--just prejudice against conservatives--but they note the high level African Americans appointed by Bush.

If this story is any indication, the irony is that the Coalition charges are giving new prominence to the charges made by Rice's opponents, that the Bushies engaged in systematic lying.

This story rather coyly notes another irony, that by "minorities" the Coalition apparently does not mean homosexuals.

Yes, irony is alive and well. Of course it may not be irony at all. It may just be insanity.

religious right accuses democrat senators of 'prejudice' - news from ekklesia

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