Monday, June 13, 2005

More Shoes Dropping

Says USA Today:

The debate's over: Globe is warming - Yahoo! News

so you know it must be true. Actually this is a solid article for what's going on in the conventional wisdom, with nuggets like:

GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt recently announced that his company, which reports $135 billion in annual revenue, will spend $1.5 billion a year to research conservation, pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. Joining him for the announcement were executives from such mainline corporations as American Electric Power, Boeing and Cinergy.

Exxon isn't on the list, of course, but other global "energy" (i.e. "we don't want to be caught being only oil") companies have gone ahead, as if they knew this all the time, but still they are far more realistic than our faith-based and paid-for government.

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