Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I used to watch msnbc. I also used to watch CNN. I watch neither now, so I had to read about your coverage of the Alito hearings today, and it gives me no reason to consider changing my mind. You couldn't find even a token non-Republican non- Bushite or non-right wing fanatic to put on the air? I mean apart from your so-called news reporters and pundits. I mean just to interview. You interviewed only administration apologists for, how many hours was it?


Why are all the so-called cable news (with little news, just right wing babble) trying so hard to be Faux? What's really funny is that this might have been a successful strategy, like five years ago. Now the country is clearing looking for alternatives, since they've discovered they've been royally lied to. But you aren't giving them anything but the same tired old Bushite blather.

Too bad. I'd say I was outraged but I can't even say I'm surprised. I've written you off, and it will take some major change to get me back---and I really doubt I'm alone in this.

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