Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Early: Richardson Hearts Obama

I have so few readers here that I suspect I know most of their names. So Mike in PA, this is for you, since I figure you might be checking this when you arise in a few hours:

Governor Bill Richardson will endorse Barack Obama for President today in Portland Oregon. According to this story: New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, the nation's only Hispanic governor, is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president, calling him a "once-in-a- lifetime leader" who can unite the nation and restore America's international leadership.

I've been less than kind to Richardson's temporizing, especially since his endorsement could have been a deciding factor in Texas. But this is a pretty good moment, too. As pols are watching the polls, and Clinton operatives are telling super-delegates that the Rev. Wright flap has rendered Obama unelectable, this endorsement is very, very big news.

And of course, it's one more super-delegate for Obama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on the Richardson endorsement. Seems strange that he would wait so long to endorse the candidate of a lifetime. By the way, I am one of your most dedicated readers. Good stuff.

mike k