Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A Week Later

...and it still stinks. Did we really lose the hearts and minds of the heartland? Are we destined to lose forever as the biggest minority group? Suppose for a minute you accept the numbers on the totals boards as reflecting an actual fair election. Even then, the picture might be different than the ones we've been seeing. For instance, there are different ways to draw that red v. blue map:
Election result maps

But let's not be so quick to accept the numbers. There's still a big smelly stink around here and it's called OHIO. Too few voting machines in Democratic urban areas, so people had to wait in line for 4, 6, 8 and yes, documented 10 hours, and even then they might not get to vote. How many went home. Whereas there were plenty of voting machines in the Republican burbs. And that's just for starters.

Remember, these were Diebold machines, made by the guy who guaranteed that Bush would win Ohio. GUARANTEED IT.

This election was taken from the voters in Ohio, Florida (Jeb Bush did it again) and Texas, where Tom DeLay, the ethically challenged GOP House leader who will be seeing the inside of a jail cell before the next election, engineered a redistricting that guaranteed 5 House seats would move from Democrat to Republican, and they did. They all violated laws, but they're all at least temporarily above the law. The best you can say is that it was successfully stolen, and when you throw in the lies, the stench is everywhere.

No wonder Bush is planning to ring his Inauguration with combat troops and as many cops as he can strip from other cities. Wonder if Karl Rove will teach them to goosestep in time for the parade.

---Theron Dash

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