Thursday, November 11, 2004

What if the exit polls were right? - Kerry Won. . .

Remember, these are the people who lied about why they went to war in Iraq, then lied about the lies, and then lied about lying about the lies. George Bush was lying in every campaign speech he gave in the final month. These guardians of American morals have shown time and again that they consider politics a morality-free zone, and so anything that is effective in keeping the righteous in power and increasing their ability to force their holy mission on the horrified world is justified. They heap praise on each other for successful character assassination. The support given to the Swift Boat Liars constitute the worst stain on public morality in a generation, and an offense of the worst kind against every VETERAN who ever bled in the belief they were defending their country. So would we really be surprised if it turns out they stole this election outright????

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