Saturday, February 05, 2005

State of Bushamerica Continued

Sorry, but you just can't make this stuff up.

In his State of the Union address, GWBush said, "Justice is distorted and our economy is held back, by irresponsible class actions and frivolous asbestos claims--and I urge Congress to pass legal reform this year."

On February 3, a Halliburton subsidiary agreed to pay a $30 million settlement in an asbestos lawsuit, as part of a global pay-out of $4.3 billion. The subsidiary, Dresser Industries, was acquired while VP Dick Cheney was chairman of Halliburton. Plaintiffs in the suit alleged that Dresser knew their products were harmful to workers in the 1930s but continued to sell them for forty more years.

Thanks and kudos to Hunter at daily kos for catching this. His link:

Daily Kos :: Loyalty, Rewarded

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