Thursday, September 30, 2004

Spin Thrift

by Theron Dash

Why even have this debate (set to begin in an hour and a half as I write this)? The pre-wash spin cycle has already awarded the victory to Bush. The pundits have decided the test will be likeability, and they've decided---partly on the basis of polls---that Bush is the likeable candidate. So he'll win, unless he makes some horrendous goof, and even then, he'll do it likeably.

So they've not only made likeability the defining test, they've defined who is likeable. You know, it ain't necessarily so. I don't find GW Bush likeable. I wouldn't want his smirk, his demanding ego, his pathological lying and his idiot mouth in my back yard. He's the guy at the bar I put as much distance from as possible.

John Kerry is curious, he reads widely, he's interested in the world, he's been places and done things, he has a good sense of humor and appreciation of wit. He'd be a fascinating companion for an afternoon or an evening. Then all politicians get wearing, like actors. Kerry plays guitar and tosses the football around. So do I. I'd sure rather do that than have to watch Bush clear brush, or respond to his need for constant praise.

Anyway, likeability polls or not, think on this: a few months ago when Bush was dropping like a stone in the re-elect polls, he was still voted more likeable. And he was annointed the most likeable in 2000, yet he became president only because some supreme court justices liked his daddy. The unlikeable Mr. Gore got like a million more votes.

So let's make John Kerry President. I don't mind if we give the Most Likeable consolation
prize to Bush.

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