Saturday, October 02, 2004


Since the debate, a number of howlers from the media just seemed to explode: mere hours after a Daily Show joke about a reporter who writes his account of the debate several days before the debate takes place, AP accidentally posted just such a story, hours before the debate started.

Then Fox News ran a story with quotes from Kerry after the debate that were faked. Their reporter said something like he was just kidding and it wasn't supposed to get posted on their web site.

Then Fox (or Faux, as some are calling it) ran quotes from a Communists for Kerry organization, which turns out to be a group of Republican college students (and they weren't really hiding that fact.) Add this as well to the list of "undecided voters" interviewed by media that turn out to be GOPer activists---including a GOP political consultant. Needless to say they all had bad things to say about Kerry.

Here however is another Kerry misquote originating and repeated in the New York Times---exactly the kind of crap that dogged Gore last time. No wonder it's getting harder to teach journalism in this country. What models can you offer?

The Daily Howler

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