Saturday, November 20, 2004

Count the Vote 2004

John Kerry' strongly worded support yesterday for efforts to count the votes in the 2004 election may have lacked specifics on what he and his lawyers are going to do, but he's one of the principals involved, so it means something.

This also means something: a statement by the most prestiguous and eldest nonpartisan organization associated with the U.S. electoral process, the League of Women Voters:

"The League of Women Voters is deeply concerned about voting irregularities in the 2004 election. The appropriate officials must fully investigate these concerns through open and public processes. Election officials should look into problems quickly and thoroughly and fix what proves to be wrong. Transparency and a willingness to look into potential problems will strengthen voter confidence and ultimately improve our electoral system.
"It is important to ensure that every properly cast ballot is counted and to make improvements for future elections. Attention must be given to inadequate polling place procedures, problematic voting machines, voter registration system failures, casting and counting of provisional ballots, and absentee voting issues. "

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