Monday, November 15, 2004

Welcome to Fascism Lite, the New Brew From Bush

"With the will of the people at my back," GW Bush began his first press conference after the election (which must have been, what, his fourth or fifth press conferences as president?) Though he owes his apparent election to some hundred thousand possibly stolen votes in Ohio, he's got a mandate, and he's going to rub our noses in it. Why is it a mandate? Like every other "truth" of the Bush administration, because he says so. Repeatedly. Repeat it enough times, it becomes true. That in a nutshell is the Bush Doctrine.

So that's how we're reportedly getting Condi Rice, known incompetent and liar, as Secretary of State. That's how we're getting a politicized CIA, with non-political veteran public servants dropping like flies.

That's why more and more power is being given to Cheney and Darth Rove. (So much for those wimpy calls for Bush to recognize the need for 'unity' by including moderates and even Democrats. Ha ha ha, let's all sing Kumbaya, as the GOPers like to say when anything like working together comes up. )

That why when Iran and the UN announce a deal whereby Iran gives up its nuclear program---seemingly good news for the world---the Bushies are pissed. Now they're going to have to invent another excuse to invade Iran.

That's why they waited until after the election to accelerate the useless slaughter and devastation in Iraq. Where there is martial law until their "election."

It's why the purge is on in Washington, and why they're frantically trying to bury the CIA's independent report naming names for 9-11 mistakes.

Welcome to Fascism Lite, the new brew from Bush.

---Theron Dash

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