Monday, November 15, 2004

No Powell Wow

Secretary of State Colin Powell has resigned, finally, when it doesn't mean anything. If he's smart he'll lay low for the next three years, cultivate his children charities and stay completely away from foreign policy, lest he commit a slipup. Then he can see if the American public is as amnesiac on Iraq as it seems to be on most everything, and if there is any moderate GOP base left.

Right now it's fair to say that his once promising political career is in shambles. Here's a pretty balanced assessment of his tenure.
World Peace Herald

But we will always remember him as the one man who could have stopped the U.S. from invading Iraq, and he didn't. He continued to disgrace himself by supporting that war and its conduct, leaving him morally compromised, perhaps beyond repair.

Also in the news today, first reports on a man---reportedly Islamic---who set himself on fire in front of the White House. Less publicized was the suicide at Ground Zero in NYC by a man said to be in despair at Bush's apparent re-election. There were probably more such desperate acts that completely escaped national attention.

Among the many scandals involved in this immoral Iraq war is the dishonest reporting of casualities, and the complete blackout on even gathering information on Iraqi deaths and injuries. Again the moral degradation of this administration is matched only by the moral cowardice of the American media.

---Theron Dash

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