Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Moral Hypocracy Continued

Thanks to the Blessed Bush's re-kinging, the Right Wing Reverend Tom DeLay enthused, "We're going to be able to lead this country in the direction we've been dreaming of for years. We're going to put God back in the public square."

Well, hallelujah. But on his way to the public square, God might want to stop at Congress and do a little smiting. Seems the House Republicans have hastily revised their rules so that their Leader can still serve even if he or she has been indicted for a crime (although, come on now, we are talking about a very specific he). Like for instance, numerous violations of several laws in connection with redistricting a swath of Texas to make sure that the GOPers held on to their majority in the 04 alleged elections, engineered by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, for which indictments are rumored to be forthcoming, naming the Right Wing Reverend himself, Tom DeLay.

So the folks who benefit from DeLay's alleged crimes have voted to make sure there are no consequences for their benefactor. Gimme that old time religion!

And hey, Crusaders, besides total war with Democrats and any judges the GOPers don't control, let's get ready for Iran!

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