Sunday, October 31, 2004

More more of 99 reasons to vote for Kerry

26. No draft.

27. Kerry will control the deficit so future generations don’t have to keep paying for Bush’s extravagant mistakes.

28. Bush has no chance of uniting America. Kerry does, and he wants to.

29. Kerry has the best record in Congress on the environment.

30. Even Queen Elizabeth is worried about global warming. Bush isn’t. Kerry will rejoin the world in dealing with it.

31. Kerry’s 20 years of foreign policy experience and knowledge of world leaders and complex issues.

32. Kerry tested under fire, not thousands of miles from harm making brave speeches.

33. Kerry understands the consequences of political decisions on men and women in the military, and on civilians in the war zone.

34. Kerry will end shameful treatment of veterans.

35. Kerry will take care of military families and return their dignity.

36. Kerry understands the need for skills of peace.

37. Kerry understands we need real homeland security, not self-serving p.r.

38. No more stupid color code alerts.

39. No more no bid contracts for Halliburton.

40. Kerry will level with the American people.

41. Kerry understands the dangers and will work to end the growing gap between rich and poor, by helping the middle class.

42. Kerry supports family values by valuing families. Americans shouldn’t be working all the time and living in tents, or putting every cent into housing and nothing in the refrigerator. Stop the insanity.

43. Respect for differences in one America.

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