Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Internet is going a little nuts. Some of the big blogs are down and my last post was apparently lost. At the risk of repeating myself:
Analysis in Ohio, PA, Florida and Michigan show voting is especially high in African-American and Latino districts, Democratic precincts and precincts that went to Gore in 2000.

Polls close in Indiana and Virginia in about 2.5 hours, at 7 eastern. If Virginia reports slowly or goes to Kerry, that's real good because it's been expected for Bush.

Then Ohio and North Carolina are supposed to close at 7:30, though if there are still lines, the polls won't close until everyone in line has voted. If North Carolina is slow reporting or goes for Kerry-Edwards, and if Ohio is called for Kerry, it's time to get the champagne ready.

Then other eastern states close at 8, and the night takes shape.

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