Saturday, October 30, 2004

99 Reasons to Vote for Kerry cont.

3. Osama still at large is Bush failure. Kerry has the judgment and experience to take advantage of opportunities, like Tora Bora, to effectively fight terrorists.

4. A fresh start in Iraq now. Chaos and killing accelerate, while Cheney calls Iraq "a remarkable success story."

5. Fresh start in the world, after Bush lies ruin U.S. credibility. "Once you've been misled on an issue, you're very reluctant to give [the U.S.] the benefit of the doubt." Former intelligence official Thielmann. What are those lies?

6. "There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is now amassing them to use against our friends, our allies and against us."-Cheney

7. " We know that [Iraq] is actively pursuing a nuclear weapon....No terrorist state poses a greater threat to us than Iraq."

8. Of the aluminum tubes in Iraq, Condi Rice said, they were "only suited for nuclear weapons." Bush stated the same, though state department, intelligence and energy department experts agreed the opposite.

9. When UN atomic energy experts went to Iraq and examined the tubes, they announced there was no evidence they were for nuclear program. Their findings were ignored by Bushies.

10. UN arms inspectors in Iraq, given extraordinary access by Saddam Hussein, find no evidence of WMD. They are ignored and the U.S. invades.

11.On Iraq: "Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the first proof---the smoking gun that can come in the form of a mushroom cloud." GW Bush. At the same time as state department experts were saying that Iraq did not pose an imminent security threat to the U.S. It did not pose the same magnitude of threat of North Korea.

12. Kerry will replace Condi Rice, who is either incompetent, irresponsible or not telling the truth---or all three.

13. Kerry will replace Colin Powell, whose "credibility has been spent."

14. Kerry will replace Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, chief architects of the disastrous mistakes in Iraq: the war in the first place, the failures once there, and the attempts to cover it all up.

15. Bush is damaged goods, and re-elected, he will be ineffective in the world. America needs a fresh start. People don't like to criticize the person in power, or the leader in time of war. But this campaign has revealed so much disenchantment with Bush, not just from Democrats but from moderate Republicans, leaders of other nations, diplomats, career government experts, economists, scientists, recent U.S. military leaders, and even fiscal conservatives and libertarian Republicans, that Bush can never unite the country, or adequately represent the country to the world.

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