Wednesday, October 27, 2004

V Minus 6

The missing explosives story continues to stay in the news, with evidence accumulating that the explosives were lost after American troops were there and victory was declared. Now the story begins to emerge that Bush plans to ask for an additional $70 billion to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan, and an additional 20,000 troops.

Also making news, the Iraqi government accusing U.S. of gross negligence in deaths of Iraqi national guard. Under the radar but significant: North Korea has refused to rejoin nuclear talks because of the U.S. hostile attitude.

Campaign news: Kevin Drum via kos reports that in a survey by Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio, who factors in minority turnout based on 2000 exit polls, plus census changes since 2000, the race in 12 battleground states goes from a tie to Kerry by more than five points. Fabrizio concludes that unless the GOPers successfully suppress the minority vote, Bush is doomed.

Turnout is going to be a key indicator, with high turnout favoring Kerry. But we don’t have to wait for election day to catch the drift: in early voting states, turnout is tremendous. Hundreds of thousands have already voted in Florida, despite sporadically successful efforts to destroy Democratic registrations and lose tens of thousands of absentee ballots in Broward County.
Early voting is also high in Nevada.

The Zogby national tracking poll, which showed Bush up several points, is closer to even.
"Today was a big day for Kerry," pollster John Zogby said.
Kerry has consolidated his base support just as Bush did early in the race, taking a 2-to-1 lead among Hispanics, 90 percent of blacks, 84 percent of Democrats, 55 percent of union voters and 65 percent of singles. Only 4 percent of likely voters remain undecided.

CBS poll has Kerry up 4 points in Florida, after ordering a revision of a poll which showed Kerry up 8 to 9 points.

If you're watching a lot of cable news, you're not getting the impression that we're building towards a Kerry victory, until you notice how nervous the anchors and reporters are. They've built their entire makeovers on attracting the Fox audience, and now they're also fighting reality. Look also at the affect of Bush and Cheney vs. that of Kerry and Edwards on the campaign trail, and you know the GOPers are worried, the Dems are excited.

We’ve been talking personally with people in battleground states, and there is high interest among Kerry supporters in helping get out the vote on election day. The passions are cresting.

We need minority voters to show the kind of courage we saw in the Civil Rights movement, to fight for their rights to vote. We need the energy of young people and the dedication of the rest of us to make sure registered voters, especially newly registered voters, get to the polls.

Blood brothers in the stormy night with a vow to defend
No retreat, baby, no surrender.

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